  • To find a child care provider in Bristol follow the link below.

    The age of your child affects what childcare you can have. Children over 4 years old will go to school.

    All 3-4 year olds are entitled to 570 hours of childcare or education a year.  Your 2 year old child may also be entitled to free childcare. Follow the link to see whether or not your child can get free education and childcare.

    Below are two other ways to find childcare in Bristol. By adding in your postcode you can find your local child care options if you are paying for your own childcare.

    References are important when finding childcare, make sure you or the agency seek references from a child care worker you want to employ. This will confirm that the child care worker is qualified to care for your children.

    Children’s centres are located all around Bristol and provide help and support to parents to care for their family and have a happy and healthy lifestyle. Your local children’s centre is responsible for giving you help and support. For more information on your local children’s centre please follow the link below.

    Because of high demand, there is an increase in children’s centres that offer free ESOL courses.  Make sure you ask about the ESOL courses available at your local children’s centre.


    • Many schools and nurseries in and around Bristol get full which can mean that your child does not always get their first choice of a school or nursery.

      Below are a few tips that can help you when sending your child to school.

      • Think of more than one option – children do not always get their first choice of school so make sure you have a few to apply for.
      • Make sure you know when you need to start applying.
        • Applying to schools – This link will give you information about when and how you should apply to your chose schools.
      • Be familiar with the school. It is important to know the school rules when applying for that school.

      For further information about schools and finding your local schools and nurseries follow the link below.