Basic Skills

woman being shown how to do a task

Know your skills! It’s important to know that you have skills. Employers might talk about them in a different way to how you recognise them.

Identify your skills

You can find out more about yourself and how you can talk and write about your transferable skills with online resources and quizzes:

Improve your skills

Look to improve your skills with a course even if just a short online course or looking for a much bigger career changing program, a course will build knowledge and help you feel that you have taken a small or large step forward. For some free skills courses try looking here: The Skills Toolkit and to search further education courses have a look on the National Careers Service website: Find a course.

You can find more online courses from:

If you need help finding a job you can find organisations who can support you on the One Front Door directory or contact the One Front Door team and they can help you.

Some links on this page go to external websites.