SIA – Bristol

Weston College are delivering an SIA course in the centre of Bristol, in Early January! The Courts, Bridewell Street are easily accessible by bus and train routes.

Whether you have always wanted to work in Security, or it is a new career aspiration for the New Year, this course is perfect for starting your journey.

What will I study?

The SIA Door Supervisor Course isn’t just for those who want a job working the door of a nightclub. In fact, the course equips you for many types of security jobs: 

  • Emergency first aid at work
  • Certificate in Spectator Safety
  • Working as a Door Supervisor in the Private Security Industry

We will also provide you with a variety of hard and soft skills, such as:

  • Assist with the movement of spectators and deal with crowd issues 
  • Help to manage conflict 
  • Deal with incidents 
  • Radio communication
  • Confidence
  • Teamwork

If you require further information, or would like to refer a customer, please click on the link below.