“I have managed to find employment, using the laptop made it easier”
Please describe your situation before joining the One Front Door project (include work, home and any other relevant information)
I was out of touch with modern job hunting, this left me feeling very frustrated
What was your reason for getting in touch with One Front Door?
it was a suggestion from my wife
How did you find out about the project?
I found out about the project from the internet
What actions have you taken since you joined One Front Door? e.g. CV produced/updated, courses attended, applied for/found work.
I managed to to access a lot of job vacancies using the laptop which project provided me
How have you worked with your One Front Door Career Progression Coach?
From start to finish I would say its been 3 monthes
What impact have your actions had on your work and everyday life?
I have managed to find employment, using the laptop made it easier to find employment
What is the most important thing you did or discovered through One Front Door?
I learnt there was a lot of suggestions and help available at my disposal from the work coach
What do you plan to do next?
I plan to retrain in a different subject when I’m more financially stable
Do you have any advice for other people who are thinking of joining One Front Door?
The project empowers you to focus on finding employment or retraining in different subject
Do you have any other comments you would like to share about One Front Door?
The staff where outstanding and very supportive from the start