New Monday

A day of positivity where people can find solutions to problems. We are bringing together multiple organisations including a range of employers with live jobs available. There will be advice and guidance on debt, health, housing, energy and more, from experts waiting to talk to you.


Map of the event

(Click image for details)

Monday 15 January from 11am. Ground floor of The Galleries Shopping Centre


Training/Advice/Other Support

  1. BCC Employment Support – Inclusive Career Pathways
  2. BCC Employment Support – One Front Door
  3. BCC Employment Support – One Front Door
  4. BCC Employment Support – We WORK
  5. BCC – Multiply project
  6. BCC- Community Learning
  7. BCC- Post 16 Team
  8. Black South West Network
  9. Bristol Energy Network
  10. Chinese Community Wellbeing Society
  11. City of Bristol College & Apprenticeship Team
  12. Clean Slate
  13. Clickstart
  14. CSE
  15. DWP
  16. FareShare
  17. Job Network
  18. National Careers Service
  19. Off the Record
  20. OnSite Bristol
  21. Partners in Bristol
  22. People First
  23. Princes Trust
  24. Rethink Mental Illness
  25. Salvation Army: Employment Plus
  26. Seetec Pluss- Pioneer
  27. SWAN Project
  28. Talking Therapies
  29. Wellaware
  30. The Restore Trust
  31. The Swan Project
  32. Well Grounded
  33. Weston College
  34. Weston College- Apprenticeships
  35. YTKO
  36. Waiting on confirmation
  37. Waiting on confirmation



  1. Avon and Somerset Police
  2. BCC Reablement Team
  3. Broadmead Retail
  4. Co-Op
  5. Cob Web Cleaners
  6. DWP: Civil Service Jobs
  7. EE/BT
  8. Five Rivers Child Care
  9. HMRC
  10. Milestones Trust
  11. NHS
  12. Sanctus Ltd Construction
  13. Swissport
  14. The Maples
  15. The Z House
  16. UWE Bristol Staff Recruitment


Other (labelled on diagram)

  • Acudetox Plus UK Ear acupuncture
  • 5-minute Hand massages
  • Music from Steel Drum Soloist

The event is finished.


15 Jan 2024


11:00 am - 2:00 pm


The Galleries
The Galleries, 25 Union Gallery, Broadmead, Bristol, BS1 3XD


One Front Door
0117 922 3440
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