January Ways2Work Network Meeting
Ways2Work network meetings are to connect people working in employment and skills in Bristol and the West of England. We will hear updates from key partners and everyone in attendance about who you work for and what you’re up to so that we get a good idea about what’s going on in the sector.
If you would like to give a presentation about your support, training, or job vacancies at the January network meeting, you’re in luck, we have space! Get in touch with Lucy Perrott to find out more.
The January Ways2Work network meeting will be in Meeting Room 2 at the Bristol Beacon from 9am to 11am. The Bristol Careers Fair by Seetec will also be in the Bristol Beacon from 10am to 3pm. We hope you can make the most of being in the same location!
There is limited space available, so please book a ticket soon!