Cabot Circus Jobs Fair
40+ employers from a wide range of sectors, all with jobs available throughout the Bristol area.
Employers will be ready to fill their vacancies so come ready to impress.
At Cabot Circus, BS1 3BX
Tuesday 16 May, 10am – 2pm
There will be employers from various sectors across the Bristol area, who will be at Cabot Circus to talk to you about their jobs.
This event will be a great way to speak with potential employers face-to-face. You will have the opportunity to collect information on employers, register your interest in any jobs advertised, ask the employers questions or even have a mini interview on the day.
If you want more information please speak to your work coach beforehand or contact One Front Door or National Careers Service. Both offer free advice and support to people looking for work or another job.
Translators available on the day
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